Kassandra Gomez

Research Assistant

Focus Area:
Vascular calcification.

Research Interest:
Kassandra began her time in the lab investigating the effects of the different types of mechanical stretches on the release of extracellular vesicles from vascular smooth muscle cells. Since then, she has moved to observing the formation of microcalcifications of various cell types using a collagen hydrogel assay platform. This research will hopefully assist in the general knowledge of cell-dependent vascular calcification and future drug development.

BS – Biological Sciences (2022, Florida International University)

Fun Fact:
Kassandra learned Portuguese by herself and then visited Portugal to practice her language skills! She also enjoys rock climbing and running on her free time.

Rosali Nodarse

Research Assistant

Focus Area:
Influence of melanocytes on aortic valve mechanobiological properties.

Research Interest:
Expand upon our understanding between the correlation of melanocytes within the aortic valve and the contribution they have with maturation of tropoelastin. This includes finding a direct association between melanocytes and the proteins responsible for elastinogenesis.

BS – Biological Sciences (2023, Florida International University)

Fun Fact:
Rosali enjoys cooking new recipes and cycling in her free time!


Alex Paez Headshot 2023

Alex R. Paez

Lab Manager

BS – Biology (2021, Florida International University)

Fun Fact:
Alex likes to play the guitar!

Office: EC 2601
Phone: 305-348-6950